uv blocking window film atlanta

Invisible UV Protection for Your Entire Property

UV Blocking Window Film for Atlanta Homes & Buildings

When it comes to UV rays, you can’t afford to take chances. Though often overlooked, UV damage is one of the most serious threats a property owner can ever encounter. UV rays can cause irreversible damage to furniture, wood floors, books, antiques, artwork, and our personal health. And yet they seep silently into our lives through the exposed windows in our homes and buildings. That’s why it’s important to protect your home or building in Atlanta with UV blocking window. Window tint will guard your interior from these harmful rays of light, preserving its beauty and vibrancy, while also providing you with the health benefits of reduced UV exposure.

uv protection window film atlanta

24/7 Protection from the Sun

UV blocking window tint offers Atlanta property owners a modern way to protect their interior from the sun. Instead of blocking out the sun entirely with clumsy curtains or blinds, you can install UV window film onto your existing windows and keep the same level of brightness you currently have. You’ll be able to enjoy the beauty and warmth of the sun, without sacrificing your health, furniture, or personal belongings. Think of it as sunscreen for your windows, but better because it works 24/7 without having to be reapplied.

fade protection window film atlanta

Resist Fading & Sun Damage

You love your windows because they provide tons of natural light. But just think about what all that sunlight does to your flooring and furniture. If they’re constantly exposed to UV rays, fabrics, dyes, and paint will lose their vibrancy and beauty over time. Brand new furniture can look years older and floors will develop lines and patches where fading has occurred. By installing UV window tint, you can protect your Atlanta home, office, hotel,  museum, or building from the sun and keep the natural light you love.

  • Extends the lifespan of furniture by preventing fading
  • Blocks excess heat which causes wood to warp, split, and crack
  • Preserves the vibrancy of paint, dyes, and colors
uv protection window tinting atlanta

Stay Healthy & Worry-Free

The consequences of UV exposure go far beyond damaged furniture. UV rays also pose a serious risk to your health. UV radiation causes cellular damage which leads to disease. That’s why most of us put on sunblock when we go outside. But even indoors, we’re not safe from UV rays. We’re still exposed via the sun which streams in through our windows. By installing UV blocking window tint, you can limit your exposure to UV rays and protect your personal health.

  • Blocks 99% of UV rays which cause skin cancer
  • Helps to prevent the onset of cataracts and eye disease
  • Fights off signs of premature aging such as sun spots and wrinkles
uv protection film atlanta

Enjoy the Sun without Consequences

Let natural light into your home or building without worrying about the effects of UV damage. Call our office today to get a quote on fade/uv reduction window film in Atlanta.