The Illustrious Window Film Contractor in Atlanta

Window Film Atlanta is a customer-focused company that’s passionate about improving quality of life through window film application. All of our window film solutions are from top-of-the-line manufacturers designed to help you save money, improve security, optimize comfort, properly address privacy, and much more. With endless products to choose from, our team is happy to utilize our expertise and in-depth experience to help you invest in a wonderful ROI.

Whether you’re looking for commercial UV protection for your Little Five Points art gallery or residential privacy tinting for your Castleberry Hill home, we’ve got you covered.


Exterior privacy tinting is available for both residential and commercial properties throughout the Atlanta area. With a multitude of different finishes and hues, property owners can improve curb appeal while obscuring unwanted views into your building. Decorative privacy films provide seclusion within properties by mimicking the appearance of etched or frosted glass. Get the timeless look of custom glass at a fraction of the price.

Decorative and Branding:

Branding and advertising efforts can reach their full potential when utilizing custom decorative window film. From life-like building wraps with the capability of being installed on brick surfaces to high-definition printing on optically clear UV-resistant window films, Atlanta businesses can improve foot traffic by attracting potential customers.

Energy Efficiency:

When searching for adequate energy efficiency solutions, Atlanta property owners typically think that window replacement is their only option. Energy efficient window film helps achieve similar results but costs a fraction of the price and doesn’t require major renovation. Start saving on your energy bill all year-round with this fantastic ROI.

UV Protection:

Atlanta experiences high UV radiation through constant sunshine all year-round. Many of the residents have noticed the sun’s permanent damage across their expensive interior furnishings, floors, and even on their skin. UV protection is vital for defending building occupants from significant health conditions and providing fade protection for your property. UV blocking window film is the most effective option offering 99.9% UV blocking capabilities.

Safety and Security:

Atlanta, unfortunately, experiences a higher crime rate than the majority of other cities in the United States. With an all-time high rate of burglaries, break-ins, and other violent crimes, it’s vital for commercial and residential properties to properly secure their buildings. Security film delivers preventative measures that are exclusive to this passive security system.

Bomb Blast and Ballistic Resistance:

Bomb blast and ballistic resistant security window film systems offer comprehensive protection against explosions and gunfire in addition to other high-impact events. By mitigating broken glass hazards, Atlanta commercial properties can safeguard building occupants and property valuables.

Glare Reduction:

Atlanta schools, offices, homes, libraries, and businesses can all fall victim to glare. Glare causes discomfort consistently on a daily basis often lowering productivity and the ability to relax. Glare reduction window film eliminates this nuisance, enhancing screen-viewing activities.

Daylight Redirecting:

Daylight redirecting window film is a great solution for dark office buildings, hospitals, schools, and more. By redirecting natural sunlight deeper into your Atlanta space, you’ll experience great lighting savings in addition to improved productivity and lower absentee rates.

Metal Restoration:

Metal surfaces found in different Atlanta commercial properties can easily get scratched or are susceptible to vandalism and graffiti. Metal restoration takes specialty surface film and utilizes it for complete damage concealment and extensive protection from further damage.

Mirror Restoration:

Mirrors are a necessity among any Atlanta commercial property requiring maintenance and frequent replacement. Mirrors exposed to moisture often develop corrosion along their bottom side creating a dirty impression for guests. Mirror restoration is the only alternative for replacement offering protection and complete restoration.

Exterior Resurfacing:

Outdated Atlanta commercial properties can give their buildings a complete makeover without an expensive renovation process with exterior resurfacing. Exterior resurfacing is a comprehensive service we specialize in that drastically improves building aesthetics, window functionality, and property energy efficiency.


Vandalism and graffiti affect commercial properties in all industries across Atlanta. This expensive property crime requires a lot of time and money for proper repairs. Anti-graffiti film helps property owners save money and time while protecting investments.

Why Window Film?

Window film is an exclusive product that offers unique advantages for all residential and commercial property types. Window film is the best way to optimize your property without having to compromise on time and financial investment. With countless benefits that ultimately improve your home or business, window film is a wonderful ROI.

Before and After Window Film Installation

FAST Enterprises Window Tinting Testimonials

Window Film Atlanta is acclaimed for providing innovative, affordable window film solutions for both residential and commercial applications. We’re proud to help our community transform dysfunctional, existing rooms into practical, comfortable spaces. Our award-winning customer service sets us apart from other window film contractors. Experience the Scottish Difference and discover solutions with a great ROI.  

Window Film Atlanta is looking forward to helping you with your next window film project! Call today to schedule your free consultation with one of our window tinting experts. Our dedicated local team is here to help you find individually-tailored solutions.