atlanta school window film

Window Film for Atlanta Schools & Universities

Schools are among society’s most important institutions. Unfortunately, in addition to drastic budget cuts, schools today are up against some serious challenges and many lack the funds needed to make critical improvements. Our window films provide Atlanta schools and universities with an affordable solution for updating school campuses for added safety, energy efficiency, and more. From protecting educators and students from security threats to reducing energy costs, saving money on school maintenance, and more, window tinting offers a number of benefits for schools.

school window film atlanta

Advantages of Window Film for Schools, Colleges & Universities

From preschools and elementary schools to high schools, colleges, tech schools, and universities, our window films benefit schools at every level. Whether you’re looking to make some improvements to your classrooms, lunch room, front office, or employee break area, we’ve got the perfect film to meet your needs. Here are some of the ways that schools in Atlanta benefit from our window films:

  • Glare control: Keep glare out of your classrooms and computer lab with our innovative glare-reducing solutions.
  • Security: Security has become a major issue for schools everywhere due to the increase in violence and school shootings. Our state of the art solutions offer peace of mind and include everything from basic safety film to bomb blast protection systems.
  • Energy savings: If your school is overburdened by high energy costs, our window films can help. Energy saving film helps schools reduce operating expenses while optimizing lighting and temperatures to facilitate better performance among students.
  • Remodeling & maintenance: From repairing vandalized bathrooms to updating hallways and classrooms, our window films can help you take care of routine maintenance in numerous ways and save money on remodeling.
window tinting atlanta schools

Find Out How Your School Can Benefit from Window Film

Window Film Atlanta is here to answer any questions that your district board or administration may have about window tinting. Call our office today to learn more about the benefits of window film for Atlanta schools or schedule an appointment for a free consultation.