hanita coatings window film atlanta

Hanita Coatings Window Film for Atlanta Homes & Buildings

Window Film Atlanta is proud to partner with Hanita Coatings to bring our Atlanta customers some of the very best solar control and security window films on the market today. Hanita Coatings has been producing window film for over 30 years and today is recognized as one of the top window film manufacturers in the world. Hanita Coatings films have the remarkable ability to improve the energy efficiency and strength of glass all the while maintaining a beautiful outward appearance. They’re an excellent option for commercial and residential applications alike.

hanita coatings window film atlanta

Hanita SolarZone Window Film

Hanita SolarZone Window Films are a sustainable solution designed to improve the energy efficiency and performance of windows. These powerful solar control films are based on over 30 years of research and innovation. They have the ability to reduce energy use in commercial buildings by up to 20%.


Hanita SafetyZone Window Film

Hanita SafetyZone Window Films offer clear protection for Atlanta homes and commercial properties. Based on three decades of field experience in Israel, these window films are renowned for their remarkable strength and durability. And because they’re made from high grade polyester, you can rest assured that your window film will have optical clarity so you can keep the views and natural light you love.


atlanta hanita coatings window film

Hanita Coatings Resources

Check out these resources for more information on Hanita Coatings window films:


Contact Us for Hanita Coatings Window Film in Atlanta

Improve the energy efficiency and safety of your property! Call our office today to schedule an appointment to have Hanita Coatings SolarZone or SafetyZone window film installed for your Atlanta property!